10 Weeks Pregnant – Week by Week

Tenth Weeks Pregnant and Ultrasound 
10th week of the Pregnancy – Baby size and weight

Baby on the 10th week of pregnancy:

In a ten-weeks pregnant, the baby’s height is about 3 cm and the weight is about 4 grams. In the tenth week, the baby is now called the fetus, not the embryo, because all organ systems have been developed, this week is the beginning of the fetal period.

At week 10, the baby begins to move in the amnion fluid in the uterus, but the mother can not feel her movements yet, movements can be seen with ultrasonics only. Hand and foot joints, knees, elbows, fingers are quite shaped. Despite the early weeks of the baby’s , baby shows holding reflex to hand touching an object. The outer ear and upper lip are shaped. The jawbone begins to develop.

The baby makes breathing movements, does not do it by air, but by swallowing amnion water and congratulations your baby begins to urinate for the first time. Small hair on the skin begin to develop.
One of the most intriguing events that took place this week is that the baby’s tail becomes flattened and invisible.

Baby’s hands and toes become discrete this week.
The fingernails begin to develop.
The baby acts like push, pull, kick this week; Joint movements begin on arms and legs; But it is impossible for your mother to feel these movements because it is in a very small size.

Mother on the 10th weeks of  pregnancy:

In the tenth weeks of pregnancy, the mother’s complaints such as nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite start to pass, so that the mother becomes able to perform activities such as regular exercise and walking. But you must know that you should not act without your doctor’s recommendation. The passing of nausea and vomiting can open up to mother’s appetite, which can lead to overweight, pregancy diabetes, and fat babies in the coming months You should remember that it is a dual test time of 11-14 weeks, and you should decide by talking to your doctor. Is a dual test required? Why is it done? Click here for detailed information on such topics.

In a few weeks, the gender of the baby may be evident. In tenth weeks pregnancy symptoms such as darkening, color change and waning on the nipples of the mother are normal and no comment can be made on the baby’s gender by looking at such signs or other changes in mother’s body, or looking at the food she loves. And don’t believe in those who predict the sex of the baby 🙂

10 weeks pregnant ultrasound (scan) and image

10 weeks pregnant 3d ultrasound

10 weeks fetus hand 

10 weeks fetus scan

Twins at 10 weeks ultrasound

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