Eleventh Weeks Pregnant and Ultrasound
11th week of the Pregnancy – Baby size and weight
Baby on the 11th week of pregnancy:
During the 11th gestational week, the baby’s height is about 4 cm and the weight is about 7 grams. Baby’s head is halfway up baby’s height.
The most critical process in the development of baby’s organs and tissues is over because the first 10 weeks are the most critical and sensitive period in infant development, the period when the baby is most sensitive to drugs and toxic substances.
During these weeks, blood circulation begins between the baby and the mother’s womb and the placenta (baby’s wife) begins to function. Baby’s heart and vascular system, brain, nervous system, skeletal system has become functional. Baby’s hands and toes begin to develop, hair follicles form.
The baby can open and close the hand. All the bones on the baby’s face have developed.
The baby begins to move in the mother’s womb, such as shaking, reversing, sobbing, stretching, but the mother can not feel the movements yet.
Mother on the 11th weeks of pregnancy:
During the eleventh week of pregnancy, mother’s nausea and vomiting usually have passed. 11th week of pregnancy symptoms fatigue and persistent sleepiness may persist. Darkening and bulging are usually present at the nipple this week. The mother continues her pregnancy by taking an average of half a kilo per month, and in the last month the weight increase is one kilogram per month. Once you have measured your nuchal thickness between 11-14 weeks and your double test is done, you should apply to your doctor in the 11th week. Mothers and fathers who do not want to have a dual test should talk to their doctors and settle about it, what is the meaning of having a double test, what can be if it is not done? You can get detailed information about double test by clicking. Double test is done to detect the presence of Down syndrome and some chromosomal anomalies in the baby. Apart from that, there is no special test in this week. It may be obvious next weeks that the baby is a girl or a boy. Pregnant belly has not grown enough to become apparent from the outside.