12 Weeks Pregnant – Week by Week

Twelfth Week Pregnancy and Ultrasound 
12th week of the Pregnancy – Baby size and weight

Baby on the 12th week of pregnancy:

In the 12th week of pregnancy, the size of the baby is about 5 cm and the weight is 15 grams.
The fingernails continue to form, not fully formed yet . Depending on whether the baby is a boy or a girl, the external genitalia begin to shape. The gender of infants who can be seen with eye like abort can be understood this week, but it is rarely understood with ultrasonography. Baby’s kidneys started to produce urine.
The baby can move and bend his fingers and toes. The suction exercise with his mouth already begins.

One important thing the pituitary gland at the base of the brain has started producing the hormones that will enable him to make babies of his own in a few decades or so.

Mother on the 12th weeks of  pregnancy:

In the twelfth weeks of your pregnancy, mother will have finished first trimester of pregnancy.   Every 3 months of pregnancy is called trimester, pregnancy period consists of 3 trimester. When the 12th week is over, the first trimester of pregnancy ends. The gender of the baby this week is rarely visible on the ultrasound, even if it is obvious, it is likely to change in the following weeks, so it is better to wait until a few weeks more clearly. It is early to start shopping for baby clothes or other items. If you want to buy something that can not be sustained, it is beneficial to choose unisex ones for now. A mother who is initially in normal weight should have taken 3-5 kilos at the end of her first trimester (first 3 months of pregnancy).
12th weeks pregnancy symptoms are sense of smell, headaches, fatigue, bloating and gas. One or more of these symptoms may be in this week.
In order to prevent disabilities called neural tube defects in the baby, the vitamins of folic acid used in each pregnancy are usually cut off after this week. You should not cut any medication without consulting your doctor and should not use any medication.

12 weeks pregnancy ultrasound (scan) and image

12 weeks pregnancy baby’s hand

12 weeks twins pregnancy ultrasound

12 weeks pregnancy scan

12 weeks pregnancy 3d ultrasound

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