13 Weeks Pregnant – Week by Week

13 Weeks Pregnant and Ultrasound 
13th week of the Pregnancy – Baby size and weight

Baby on the 13th week of pregnancy:

At the 13th gestational week, the size of the baby is about 7 cm and the weight is 25 grams.
Baby’s eyes have already begun to approach each other this week, the ears move towards their normal places and the baby’s face begins to resemble normal human face. Baby’s vocal cord begin to form. If you can look closely at the baby this week, baby’s gender has evolved to be able to say it by looking at the external genitalia. In these weeks, gender can be predicted only with highly developed ultrasonic devices, it will have to grow for a few more weeks in order to be seen more clearly. This week, baby’s liver can secret bile fluid and insulin production from the pancreatic gland begins. There are 20 teeth under the baby’s palate. The baby drinks the amnion fluid and returns it to the urine, and the urine is mixed into the amnion fluid.
In 13th weeks of pregnancy the baby kicks in the uterus, swallows and shakes the head, but the mother can not feel the movements yet.

Mother on the 13th weeks of  pregnancy:

Now the pregnant is in the 2. trimester. In the thirteenth week of pregnancy (begining of the second trimester), the mothers feel more secure because they leave the first three months behind because the risks such as bleeding and abortion are greatly reduced after the first trimester is over. The pregnant woman now can tell everyone that she is pregnant. We can say for 13 week pregnancy symptoms; the mothers often fail to wear their old clothes because of body changes and weight gain. This week is the last week for those who decide to do double test because it can not be done in the 14th week. The families who can not learn about the baby is a girl or boy must be patient, it may be necessary to wait 15-17 weeks. Since the first three months are over, the mothers are able to behave more easily than their old counterparts in situations such as hair dyeing, exercise, walking, swimming, sexual intercourse. Baby movements can not be felt yet.

13 weeks pregnant ultrasound (scan) and image

13 weeks pregnant baby’s hand

 13 weeks pregnant ultrasound

13 weeks pregnant 3d ultrasound

Twins at 13 weeks pregnant ultrasound

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