14 Weeks Pregnancy – Week by Week

14 Weeks Pregnant and Ultrasound 
14th week of the Pregnancy – Baby size and weight

Baby on the 14th week of pregnancy:

In the 14th gestational week, the size of the baby is about 9 cm and the weight is 45 grams.
In the fourteenth week of pregnancy, the baby begins breathe movements. Breathing is not with air with amnion fluid. The baby takes the amnion fluid to the lungs and then throws it out with mouth again, so doing the breathing exercises with this movements. Baby’s neck grow longer and starts to move away from the chin. Baby’s heartbeat can be heard with a dopler device. Baby’s digestive system starts to act. The baby has very thin fingernails. The baby may suck his thumb in these weeks. Baby’s fingerprints are beginning to form. Baby’s bone marrow begins to produce blood cells.
These weeks, nerve impulses from the brain stimulate the baby’s facial muscles, which can lead to expressions such as frowning, squinted eyes, wrinkled faces.

Mother on the 14th week of  pregnancy:

During the fourteenth week of your pregnancy, the mother may have occasional feelings of forgetfulness and dizziness. Complaints such as sleeplessness and nighttime urination may start, and drinking too much beverage at times close to bedtime usually resolves the problem of night waking. Nose bleeds and night snores are more rare pregnancy symptoms in this week. Sometimes nose bleeds occur due to increased congestion( blood build up and expansion in veins), and usually do not cause serious discomfort. If you have frequent and plenty bleeding, you should consult an otolaryngologist. You may start to food craving against odd foods and even non-nutrients, you can get detailed information on this topic by clicking food craving in pregnancy. Gender is usually apperent in these weeks or soon, so you can start to search for names in these weeks. Haven’t search for a name yet? Click for boy and girl names.

14 weeks pregnancy ultrasound (scan) and image

14 weeks pregnant babys hand

twins at 14 weeks pregnant ultrasound

14 weeks pregnant 3d ultrasound

14 weeks pregnant ultrasound

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