18 Weeks Pregnant – Week by Week

18 Weeks Pregnant and Ultrasound 
18th week of the Pregnancy – Baby size and weight

Baby on the 18th week of pregnancy:

On the 18th week of pregnancy, the size of the baby is about 14 cm and the weight is 200 grams.
In the eighteenth week, fingerprints and folds begin to form on the baby’s hands and feet. Meconium (the first feces of the baby) begins to accumulate in the intestines and will throw it out after birth. Prostate glands begin to develop in male infants. The baby can hiccup, kick, swallow these weeks. Baby movements are often felt by the mother this week, but may require waiting up to 20 weeks in the first pregnancies.

Mother on the 18th week of  pregnancy:

By the 18 weeks pregnant, pregnant women usually start to get clothes for baby because  the sex of the baby become clear. Till this period, often mistaken for gender, it is rare after this period, but it is never impossible. Pregnant’s belly is more evident now. It is not right to compare the size of the bellies of pregnants because the size of the pregnant’s belly does not always give accurate information about the size and weight of the baby. So a pregnant baby whose stomach looks smaller may be bigger. You can not comment on the health of your pregnancy by looking at the size of your belly. Continue to pay attention to healthy eating rules. You must keep away from overly sweet, sugary, floury, pastry business. Excessive fruit consumption should also be avoided. Keep walking everyday or you can do other exercise recommended by your doctor should be done.


18 weeks pregnant ultrasound (scan) and image

18 weeks pregnant 3d ultrasound

18 weeks pregnant twins ultrasound

18 weeks pregnant baby hand

18 week usg pregnant

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