19 Weeks Pregnant – Week by Week

Nineteenth Weeks Pregnant and Ultrasound 
19th week of the Pregnancy – Baby size and weight

Baby on the 19th week of pregnancy:

In the 19 weeks pregnant, the size of the baby is about 15 cm and the weight is 250 grams. The slippery substance called vernix caseosa is added to the lanugo feathers covering the baby’s skin. The white cheesy substance called vernix caseosa covers the entire skin of the baby and protects the baby’s skin from the water it contains. When babies are born, this white vernix caseosa matter is seen on them. A person’s skin starts to wrinkle for a few hours when they are in the water, but due to the vernix caseosa, there is no wrinkle on the skin of the baby in the water for 9 months. The thin fur called Lanugo can be seen in the faces and ears of some newborn babies. The baby’s skin now begins to lose transparent image and form pigment on the skin. The placenta continues to grow and provides the baby to feed. If the baby is girl primitive egg cells in the ovaries began to occur. The baby can sleep in REM period. For this reason, it is estimated that the baby can have a dream in babies sleep.

Mother on the 19th week of  pregnancy:

In the 19 week of pregnancy, the mother begins to feel her baby movements more clearly, movements such as kicking. The uterus has grown up to the belly button. The fact that the uterus filled more than half of the abdomen may increase the problems of indigestion and swelling. This is the last week for to doing triple test and quadruple test (intelligence tests). Those who have decided to do so should apply to their doctors this week. Now the belly of the pregnant can become uncomfortable while sleeping. You should not welter. It is highly recommended to lie on the left after these months. Overgrowth of the abdomen and stretching of the skin can cause abdominal fissures. These cracks are mainly related to the elasticity of your mother’s skin structure, click here for detailed information on this topic. Skin cracks of pregnant may not always pass after birth, but brown stains on the face are almost always passed after birth.

19 weeks pregnant ultrasound (scan) and image

19 weeks pregnant 3d ultrasound

19 weeks pregnant baby hand

 19 Weeks Pregnant Ultrasound
19 weeks ultrasound twins

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