23 Weeks Pregnant and Ultrasound
23th week of the Pregnancy – Baby size and weight
Baby on the 23th week of pregnancy:
In the 23 weeks pregnant, the size of the baby is about 31 cm and the weight is 500 grams. In this week baby’s body gets closer to normal proportions everyday. Baby’s body gradually grows and becomes chubby, so it begins to look more and more like a newborn baby. The middle ear bones become hard during this period. Pancreatic gland develops. The baby’s entire body is intensely covered with thin lanugo feathers. Baby’s eyes are quite developed but there is not a certain eye color yet.
Mother on the 23th week of pregnancy:
These weeks may be the back pain of the pregnant woman depending on the strain in her belly and increase in weight gain. In order to prevent back pain, it is necessary not to stand for a long time. Pregnant women can gain weight faster after these months, it is important to eat richly from the fibrous foods, vegetables and fruits. You need to avoid foods like bread, fast food, pizza, biscuits, pastries. The growth of the belly and the weight of the body should not interfere with regular hiking or exercise habits, and it is necessary not to take a break because weight gaining become faster after these months. If you do not have an obstacle to exercise, you can get the appropriate exercise program from your doctor. This week there is no special blood test or screening test.
As your pregnancy progresses, pregnant’s body anatomy, especially the waist circumference, changes its center of gravity. For this reason, the shoes should not have high heels. The flat shoes can cause walking difficulty. You should use the shortest shoe flat ones for the most comfortable. The shoe should be soft and comfortable, sport shoes such as jogging and walking shoes, which are slightly higher than the heel part front, are the ideal choice.