24 Weeks Pregnant – Week by Week

24 Weeks Pregnant and Ultrasound 
24th weeks of the Pregnancy – Baby size and weight

Baby on the 24th week of pregnancy:

In the 24 weeks pregnant, the size of the baby is about 32 cm and the weight is 600 grams. The baby continues to gain weight in parallel with the increase in muscle tissue and fat tissue. Increased fat tissue helps to regulate body temperature, it is very important especially for premature babies. Lung development also accelerates in these weeks, so babies born from these weeks have a chance to live at low rates, but babies have almost no chance of survival because lung development is very low before 24 weeks. The baby’s skin is still white, the pigment has not yet formed enough to get the true color.

Mother on the 24th weeks of  pregnancy:

At around the twenty-fourth week of pregnancy, some of the pregnants usually experience tooth and gum problems during the mid-term of their pregnancy. There may be complaints such as bleeding or toothache in the teeth. A popular word among the people is that the word “every pregnant has lost a tooth” is not true, a mother who regularly maintains dental care and appears to her dentist will never lose teeth. Mothers who have dental problems in pregnancy may be examined by dentists and may receive some treatment if necessary.
Oral glucose tolerance test is done during 24-28 weeks in pregnancy. The purpose of the Oral glucose tolerance test is to investigate whether or not the pregnancy diabetics has started. Mother-to-be who do not have diabetes before pregnancy may start diabetes due to their pregnancy hormones and gaining weight. Pregnancy diabetes mellitus (gestational diabetes) is not fully understood by analyzing fasting blood sugar. Because of this oral glucose tolerance test must be done. If the gestationel diabetes can not be diagnosed, the baby may become overweight (large baby, makrozomi), preterm birth, preeclampsia, respiratory problems after birth. You should discuss these issues with your doctor around twenty-four weeks. If you want to learn more about pregnancy diabetes you can click gestationel diabetes.

During these months, pregnancts blood hemoglobin value is checked again, because even if it is normal at the beginning of your pregnancy, it may fall. Because of this, even if there is no anemia, each pregnant woman is given an iron-containing medicine (blood pill). For anemia in pregnancy, it is not recommended to eat foods such as grape molasses or raisins in excess, because these foods are too sugary to cause too much weight, their contents contain as much sugar as iron, which can be very damaging. Instead, it is recommended to eat a little fat red meat 1-2 times a week. For more information you can read pregnancy diet.


24 weeks pregnant ultrasound (scan) and image

24 weeks pregnant baby hand

24 weeks pregnant usg



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