28 Weeks Pregnant and Ultrasound
28th week of the Pregnancy – Baby size and weight
Baby on the 28th week of pregnancy:
In the 28 weeks pregnant, the size of the baby is about 37 cm and the weight is 1000 grams. At 28 week of pregnancy, eyebrows and eyelashes are completely formed and hair continues to grow. Eyelids are opens more. Even if the baby is born in this week , the baby’s eyes have developed so that they can see the objects nearby. Baby’s body continues to plump and babies body fat and muscle build up. Even if the baby is born, the lungs have reached the ability to breathe, but still some of the babies born during these weeks may experience respiratory distress. Your baby may now recognize your voice.
Pregnants, sometimes it is possible to hear babies heartbeats even by listening with ear because the baby is growing considerably. It can also be easily heard with a stethoscope.
Mother on the 28th week of pregnancy:
If there is a blood mismatch between the mother and the baby at 28 weeks of gestation, a rhogam (rh immunglobulin) is made in to the mother. If the indirect coombs test at week 28 is negative, anti-D immunoglobulin is injected into the mother to prevent interactions until birth. Oral Glucose Tolerans Test is done between 24-28 week of pregnancy. Otherwise there is no specific test or assay performed this week.
As they are close to birth, they will be more calm about birth and receiving advice from relatives who have had worries about baby care. But do not forget that any information taken from around is not correct, it is useful to confirm them from professional sources.
With 3 or 4 dimensional ultrasound, it is ideal time for those who want to get an image of their baby, so those who have not done it yet and who want to do should rush. In further weeks, as the baby grows, the space inside the womb shrinks and clear images can not be obtained.