29 Weeks Pregnant – Week by Week

29 Weeks Pregnant and Ultrasound 
29th week of the Pregnancy – Baby size and weight

Baby on the 29th week of pregnancy:

In the 29 weeks pregnant, the size of the baby is about 39 cm and the weight is 1150 grams. Baby’s brain is now developed enough to control vital events such as respiration, body heat. Fat tissue under the skin continues to increase. The baby can move her eyes right and left. The gums have developed. The baby can now perceive the senses like light, sound, smell and taste better these days. But because it is in the water, it can not perceive sound and light as clearly as an outside baby. She can turn her head to the side of the light. Bone marrow has become able to completely build blood cells. The baby makes half a liter of urine every day and this urine mixes with the amnion fluid.

Mother on the 29th week of  pregnancy:

In the 29th week of pregnancy, the mother can now begin the preparations for the birthday bag. In fact, under normal circumstances there are about 10 weeks to the birth, but sometimes there are occasions where there is a need for early hospitalization in the hospital, it is beneficial not to leave the preparation of the maternity bag very late by any chance. If you have a detailed description of what you need to do to get to the hospital for birth, you can get it by clicking What should I pack in my hospital bag. Everyone can add to this list according to their own taste and living, according to the hospital, and if you make your list to the point of birth, you will most likely come to the hospital with your bag.

In these last months, complaints such as pressure on the stomach because of the uterus in the uterus are coming up and it can be annoying when you eat more than this amount of food, may be beneficial to eat with few but frequent intervals. Constipation in pregnancy is a common symptom in recent months, and your doctor will provide you with some medications that can be used in pregnancy, plus eating plenty of vegetarian dishes. You should avoid eating plenty of fruit because it contains too much sugar. Diarrhea in pregnancy is never a normal finding in pregnancy, diarrhea is considered abnormal every month of pregnancy and requires a doctor’s examination. If you defaecate very often and juicy feces during the day, you should definitely be examined.


29 weeks pregnant ultrasound (scan) and image

29 weeks baby ultrasound

29 weeks pregnant 3d baby

29 weeks pregnant babies hand

29 weeks pregnant usg

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