31 Weeks Pregnant and Ultrasound
31th week of the Pregnancy – Baby size and weight
Baby on the 31th week of pregnancy:
In the 31 weeks pregnant, the size of the baby is about 40 cm and the weight is 1500 grams. In these weeks, babies gain more weight than height. Baby’s lungs and digestive system are almost completely developed. Baby’s eye pupil (iris) can enlarge and shrink in the light. The baby begins to move regularly throughout the day.
Mother on the 31th week of pregnancy:
After the 31 week of pregnancy, the mother may occasionally feel false labor pains (pseudo birth pains), sometimes even in the form of contractions, that is, only becomes contraction without feeling pain. It is important to distinguish false and real labor pains, because real pains can be cause cervical dilation, effacement and go into labor. This week the overgrown uterus may cause the stomach to squeeze, which can lead to stomach burns and indigestion and such complaints. These symptoms can be easily alleviated with some medications.
Moms-to-be who have had a child before, should practice their children to talk about their next sister. Rarely, young children may have difficulty in accepting this situation and may experience serious behavioral changes.If you encounter such a this situation, you can get help from your pediatrician.
For plane travel, twin pregnancies after 31st week, single pregnancies after the 35th week, you need to get from your doctor a “no problem in traveling” report. But even if this report is taken, most airline companies will not allow you to travel. These weeks may vary by airline and country. You can get information on this from the companies in your country, and if there are places you need to travel before birth, you should complete your trip before reaching this week. Some mothers can plan to give birth in a different city (their mother’s city) from where they live, in which case it is necessary to create a travel plan in advance. It is beneficial to complete such plans before the 35th week, becouse labor pain may start any moment after the 35th week of pregnancy.
31 weeks pregnant ultrasound (scan) and image