32 Weeks Pregnant – Week by Week

32 Weeks Pregnant and Ultrasound 
32th week of the Pregnancy – Baby size and weight

Baby on the 32th week of pregnancy:

In the 32 weeks pregnant, the size of the baby is about 42 cm and the weight is 1700 grams. The baby spends almost 90-95% of the day sleeping. Baby’s hair is stretched too long. The toenails are fully developed. As the baby increases subcutan fat tissue, the skin becomes thick and pink. The wrinkles on the baby’s face diminish. After birth, he continues to do exercises of some movements he will need, such as kicking, sucking, swallowing, breathing …

Mother on the 32th week of  pregnancy:

Around the 32 week of pregnancy, pregnant may notice that the belly button is out. This is not a problem, it comes out due to the pressure caused by the growth of the uterus, and it returns to its original state after birth.
You should have a real backup plan to get to the hospital because you are close to the time of birth. You should plan how your wife or other relative will most easily reach the hospital when your waters break, when your labor pain begins. You should definitely make a backup plan thinking that your partner can not be there on that day due to a mishap or that it can take a long time to come to your side. For example, in the event of a severe pain or bleeding, you can not wait your partner for 2-3 hours to arrive at home, and another person you know needs to get you to the hospital quickly.
By the end of the 32th week of pregnancy, the mother deserves maternity leave, which may change from time to time,country to country and the mother is able to transfer part of her maternity leave after the birth. You can learn the most up-to-date laws and information on these topics from your workplace, so you should apply for a maternity leave.

32 weeks pregnant ultrasound (scan) and image

32 weeks pregnant babies hand

32 weeks ultrasound 3d pregnant

32-weeks ultrasound-3d

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