34 Weeks Pregnant and Ultrasound
34th week of the Pregnancy – Baby size and weight
Baby on the 34th week of pregnancy:
In the 34 weeks pregnant, the size of the baby is about 45 cm and the weight is 2150 grams. In the thirty-fourth week, the baby closes his eyelids while sleeping like newborn babies and opens when he wakes up. Baby’s immune system evolves to fight infections. Baby’s hand fingernails stretch quite a bit. The baby has become able to hold the object firmly with his hand. The baby’s lungs and other organs are quite mature this week, so respiratory distress and other problems are rarely seen in babies born from this week.
Mother on the 34th week of pregnancy:
It is now a few weeks or up to 6-7 weeks for the birth. Mom candidates should normally not expect to find 40 week of pregnancy based on their knowledge of 40 weeks. Most pregnancies end at birth at 37-38-39 weeks, and these weeks are treated as a full-term newborn rather than premature newborn. Going-into-labor between at 37-40 weeks with the start of the spontaneous the water has broken or spontaneous labor pain in the majority of the pregnancies, so it is necessary to prepare for birth. It is rare to forget that it can occur before 37 weeks (premature birth).
Your pregnancy check-ups may be a little more frequent during the last months of your pregnancy. The examinations, which are preceded by a month, are individualized every 15 days, even the last few weeks are examined every week and NST (Non Stress Test) is performed. The frequency of these can vary according to the hospital and according to the doctor’s opinion and even the condition of the pregnancy.
34 weeks pregnant ultrasound (scan) and image