35 Weeks Pregnant and Ultrasound
35th week of the Pregnancy – Baby size and weight
Baby on the 35th week of pregnancy:
In the 35 weeks pregnant, the size of the baby is about 46 cm and the weight is 2400 grams. During the thirty-fifth week of pregnancy, the increase in fat tissue continues while the baby’s hands and feet become chubby. In male infants the testicles complete their excretion. After this week, the baby now takes up a lot of space in the womb, which is why there is not much room to move around, and that’s why your mother feels that her baby’s movements are diminishing. Since the lungs and other internal organs are almost completely mature, the chances of breathing problems and other problems are very low in babies born early this week.
Mother on the 35th week of pregnancy:
After the 35 week of pregnancy, the mother may feel twitching, contracting-like stiffness in her stomach several times a day. Such hardening may occur several times a day and at long intervals, but if it is frequent and severe, you should consult a doctor, real labor pains may be starting.
If there is a small amount of bleeding or red stain, it is absolutely necessary to consult a doctor. Waters break is a situation that can happen everywhere from this week until birth. Waters break and vaginal secretion may not always be distinguishable, so it is best to consult a doctor Waters break is . often much more amount and as flows downward, the vaginal secretion is usually dark consistency and only in the underwear. (You can find more information for this topic by clicking distinction between waters break and vaginal secretion). However, based on this explanation, it is difficult for the pregnant to discern it, so it is best to consult a doctor immediately when there is a similar feeling of waters break.
From time to time the NST can be taken to the mother, NST is a test made to the mother, and used by tying to mother’s belly. NST shows babies heartbeats and pregnant’s labor pain. Even if the mother does not feel pain, the NST device can detect it if there are uterus contractions.
35 weeks pregnant ultrasound (scan) and image