37 Weeks Pregnant and Ultrasound
37th week of the Pregnancy – Baby size and weight
Baby on the 37th week of pregnancy:
In the 37 weeks pregnant, the size of the baby is about 48 cm and the weight is 2800 grams. At 37 weeks the baby can now do breathing exercises because birth is approaching and it needs to get used to. Baby’s lungs have developed considerably, so births from this week are not called premature births, but it is still useful for the baby to stay for a few more weeks on the mother’s womb. The baby can hold firmly with the hand. From outside the baby can turn to the side of light or sound. Your baby’s weight is increases. The immune system that protects the baby against infections is developing, but the most important contribution is maternal milk (especially colostrum) after birth. Breast milk contains substances and antibodies that contribute a lot to the immune system.
Mother on the 37th week of pregnancy:
After the 37th week of pregnancy, labor pain can start any moment. Since most of the births are between 37 and 39 weeks, parents should be prepared to go to the hospital at any time, home maternity bags, day and night transportation plans to the hospital should be available.
After this week, NST is administered to the mother weekly or sometimes more frequently. If there is no special case, no other test or assay is performed in the last weeks. In these weeks for pregnant follow-up doctors mostly use ultrasounds for baby weight gain and amnion fluid amount. It would be useful to be informed about the go-into labor this week. Not only pregnants who will give normal birth, but also cesarean births will have to know them because when waters break or when labor pains starts, it may be necessary to take an ambulance immediately without waiting for the scheduled time for the cesarean section. Normally, labor pain, waters break, etc. If there is no problem, the appointment of the caesarean section is given to the day when the 39th week is full in pregnancy (ie 38 weeks 7 days) or close to the day. Pregnant should go without drinking and weating during the night and in the morning when she goes to the hospital that morning. Even water should not be drunk.
The mother’s (who they will give birth normally) birth canal examination is usually done around these weeks . It is tried to be understood by examining by hand how well the mother’s birth canal is suitable for passing the baby. If there is narrowness in the birth canal of the mother, normal birth can be given up, birth canal narrowness can be understood by controlling birth canal with hand.