6 Weeks Pregnant and Ultrasound
6th week of the Pregnancy – Baby size and weight
Baby on the 6th week of pregnancy:
In a six-weeks pregnant, the heartbeats of the baby can be easily heard and seen on the ultrasound. The heart began to develop. Baby’s size is very small, 4-6 mm. It is not yet possible to talk about weight. The first tissues of the respiratory and digestive system become clear. At week 6, the baby’s umbilical cord is formed. Eyes, ears and mouth cavity begins to grow. The baby’s brain has begun to develop and show activity.
The buds of the baby’s arms and legs begin to become apparent, but they are too small to seen by ultrasound yet. Hands and feet have not begun to form yet , only buds have begun to form. Arm buds begin to form before 6th week, leg buds begin to form a few days later, both begins in 7th week.
Mother on the 6th weeks of pregnancy:
During the sixth weeks of pregnancy, the mother has morning sickness, weekness, tenderness in the breasts. Baby movements can not be felt yet because the baby is too small, mothers often think their bowel movements are baby movements. Because of nausea and vomiting, the mother can not eat everything and can not eat much but all these will pass after the third month of pregnancy. Mothers should still avoid over-sweet consumption, harmful foods, prepackaged products such as crisps and biscuits. There is no special test performed this week, and if the routine tests were performed at the beginning of your pregnancy, there will be no analysis for this week. It is good walking in the fresh air for you and your baby unless the doctor say the opposite. At the sametime sunshine will provide plenty of vitamin D synthesis in the mother’s skin. Vitamin D is beneficial for mother and baby health. If your doctor has not stated any risk, sexual intercourse is not prohibited in the first few months, only sexual intercourse is forbiden by the doctor in some risky pregnancy.
6 weeks pregnant ultrasound (scan) and image