7 Weeks Pregnant and Ultrasound
7th week of the Pregnancy – Baby size and weight
Baby on the 7th week of pregnancy:
In a seven-weeks pregnant, the baby’s size is about 7-8 mm, which is about a grain of rice. Baby’s heartbeats can see on ultrasound easily.
Organs such as the brain, spine, large vessels, eyes, bowel, kidney, liver have begun to develop. Eyes begin to move from the sides of the head to the front and the eyelids begin to develop.
The baby’s sex organ has not developed enough to seen at ultrasound.
TThe buds of the baby’s arms and legs begin to begin to develop, but arms, legs and fingers have not formed yet. These are not visible on the ultrasound because they are very small.
Mother on the 7th week of pregnancy:
Seven weeks pregnant symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, weakness that have already started in the mother during the seventh week of pregnancy usually continue. Insomnia may begin in this week. Mothers should be careful not to be very close to people with complaints such as influenza, flu, coughs, because such diseases can cause more weekness and lack of appetite if they get to the mother.. They should also stay away from small children with infectious diseases such as rubella because sometimes they can cause serious problems to the infant when they have these infections during pregnancy. Mothers who feed cats at home can continue to feed, but you should not touch the skin with the cat’s sand, and the cat’s sand should be by others. It is necessary to wash your hands after contact with the cat. Click here for detailed information on toxoplasmosis and the effects of pregnancy in the cats feces.
There is also no specific test or analysis performed this week for who have had routine tests at the beginning of their pregnancy.