9 Weeks Pregnant – Week by Week

9 Weeks Pregnant and Ultrasound 
9th week of the Pregnancy – Baby size and weight

Baby on the 9th week of pregnancy:

In a 9 weeks pregnant, the size of the baby is about 2 cm and the weight is 2 grams.
According to the last menstrual period, after the ninth week has passed, the baby is called the fetus, not the embryo (after 8 weeks from fertilization). The ninth week is the end of the embryonic period, the fetal period begins after the end of this week.
Bone and cartilaginous tissue develops in the ninth week. The eyes develop, the tongue begins to form. Baby’s hands and toes continue to develop, but still the fingers are partially adjacent to each other.
The internal genital organs have formed in the male gender as the testis, in the female gender as the ovaries (over), but the gender of the baby can not said yet. The bowels that have been out of the baby’s umbilical cord during the first weeks, begin to migrate into the abdomen. The baby will drink for the first time this week and the first drink baby drinks is amnion liquid (the water inside the baby).  Baby’s reflexes develop, for example, if the uterine wall is touched during ultrasonography these days, the baby begins to move.
At weeks 9, heart valves, retina, and nasal cavity are the other structures that begin to form.

Mother on the 9th week of  pregnancy:

9 weeks pregnant symptoms, in this week some of the mothers will gain enough weight to notice that their trousers and clothes pants are narrow, and some mothers may not have gained weight due to nausea and vomiting. In a few weeks they will pass and regular weight gain will begin. The bows may start to come in tight, large bodies may need to be used. It is not clear yet  that you are pregnant when you look at the abdomen. As long as no specific risk is indicated by the doctor, working mothers may continue their work. Regular walks can take place during these weeks. Healthy eating pregnants will prevent their babies from overweight.

9 weeks pregnant ultrasound (scan) and image

nine weeks pregnant ultrasound 

9 weeks pregnant 3d ultrasound 
9 weeks twins pregnant ultrasound 

9 weeks pregnant image

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