4 Weeks Pregnant – Week by Week

4 Weeks Pregnant and View
4th weeks of the PregnancyBaby size and weight

4 weeks after the first day of the last menstrual bleeding (when the gestation is 4 weeks) the zygote comes into the uterus and settled. Before 4 week there won’t a embryo in the uterus.

Baby on the 4th weeks of pregnancy:

The 4-week-old fetus is so small that it can not be seen visually or ultrasonically, it is about 1 to 2 mm in length, and a very small gestational sac is rarely seen with ultrasound. Heartbeats can not be seen and heard. The embryo is still a cell community, the tissues and organs are unstructured.
The placenta (baby’s wife) begins to develop from these first weeks and responsible for feeding the baby in the following weeks

Mother on the 4th weeks of  pregnancy:

In the fourth weeks of pregnancy, there are slight changes on mother but as the changes correspond with menstruation period it is often thought that these signs are that menstruation approaching. For example, more sensitivite and the slight swelling nipples, occasionally a stain from the vagina due to the fetus’s placement, as the maternal menstruation time has come. Apart from these other symptoms do not start now, symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, darkening of the nipples, growing in their body are not seen yet. If the pregnancy test done in this period and it is positive, the mother must now regulate her lifestyle, knowing that a new era has begun for her, completely abandon it if she is smoking, pay attention to healthy and regular nutrition rules, avoid extremes and dangerous sports.
Pregnant woman should apply for examination to the obstetrician doctor who learns that she is pregnant this week. Some medicines and vitamins, that you should use during your pregnancy are given by the doctor.
Especially when you know that you are pregnant, the use of folic acid is very important in terms of neural tube defect with the recommendation of the doctor.

4 weeks pregnant ultrasound (scan) and image

4 weeks pregnant ultrasound

4 weeks pregnant twin babies ultrasound

4 weeks pregnant ultrasound

4 weeks pregnant ultrasound

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