Postpartum Contraception Methods

What contraception methods can be used after pregnancy (postpartum)?

The ideal period between two pregnancies is 2 years. For this reason, a birth control method should be selected and applied immediately after birth.
Let’s see postpartum contraception methods…

Mini Pills:
– Mothers who are considering breastfeeding a baby can start to use mini pills. Its not harmfull for baby and the pills can be use after a week from birth. Girls if you want to use pills this is the right choiese. The mini pills should be taken at the same time each day.
Oral Contraceptives:
– If for any reason the mother does not breastfeed her baby, it may start 21 days after birth with oral contraceptives. These pills need to be taken at the same time every day.

– Those who want to be protected by IUD may take it out 6 weeks after birth if there is no problem doctor’s exemination. Mensturation is not necessary .

Tubal Ligation:
– A woman who does not want another pregnancy may tubal litigation 48 hours after birth or after 6 weeks. Tubes ligation can be done with a small surgical procedure. Tubal ligation (Tubes tied); it only prevents the ovum and spermium from encountering. It does not affect the sexual life and menstruel cycle. It does not cause premature menopause. It is the most effective contraception method.

3-monthly contraceptive injection:
– 3-monthly contraceptive injection method for breastfeeding women can be used at doctor’s control. Six weeks after birth, they can do it as if they in menstruation.

Subcutaneous implantation:
– Subcutaneous implantation can be performed 6 weeks after birth.

– It is a process that connects the sperm ducts in the man and prevents the sperm from the male reproductive fluid. It is a convenient method for those who do not want to have children at all.

Other methods:
– Diaphragm, condom, internal condom, spermiside, breastfeeding etc. they are not effective contraception methods. These methods have a high chance of becoming pregnant.

When should I start contraception after birth?

You should start 6 weeks later after birth. But first 6 weeks it is forbiden to have sex. 🙁

Postpartum Contraception Methods Video

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