Cystoscopy is the observation of the urinary bladder, that is, the bladder with the aid of an optical thin tube (cystoscope). Cystoscopy can be done for the investigation of urinary tract and kidney diseases, examination of the urinary tract, or bladder surgery.
Cystoscopy done with a thin tube-shaped named cystoscope. This tool includes lenses and light source. It can be viewed from the tool tip by looking straight at the eye or by transferring it to a monitor with an image camera. Cystoscopy is usually performed with local anesthesia and lasts for 5-10 minutes. A biopsy may be needed if a pathology is observed during the procedure. The patient may go home immediately after the procedure.
Cystoscopy Complications:
Cystoscopy perioperative complications:
– Hemorrhage
– Bladder injury
– Urethral inhury
Cystoscopy postoperative complications:
– Pelvic hematoma
– Urinary retention
– Urinary tract infection