38 Weeks Pregnant – Week by Week

38 Weeks Pregnant and Ultrasound 
38th week of the Pregnancy – Baby size and weight

Baby on the 38th week of pregnancy:

In the 38 weeks pregnant, the size of the baby is about 50 cm and the weight is 3000 grams. In these weeks the baby is now growth considerably. At the thirty-eight week, the baby’s head circumference and abdominal circumference are equal, and earlier in the week the head becomes bigger.
In these weeks there is not much change except to gain weight in the baby; mother, father and family usually deal with childbirth preparations and plans. (for more information approaching birth )
Baby’s eye color still is not fully formed, as the pigments increase, even after birth the eye color changes.

Mother on the 38th week of  pregnancy:

In the 38th week of pregnancy, the mother continues her weekly examination, ultrasound and NST follow-up. In these last weeks, pregnant as immediate as possible wan to give birth because of it is hard walking, sleeping going toilet etc. 🙂 During these weeks, you should be careful to have your partner or relative close to you when you go to the examinations because you may get a labor pain, waters break or  bleeding start anytime anywhere. For the same reason, it is not recommended driving car in these last weeks, even if you have to use it, there must be a relative nearby because suddenly an emergency such as waters break occur. Even in these weeks, even if you have a doctor’s report, companies do not allow you to travel by plane. Traveling by bus is also inconvenient. Suddenly an emergency complain can starts in a far away from the city to the hospital. For this reason, these last weeks is the time to wait for birth between home and hospital in your own city.

38 weeks pregnant ultrasound (scan) and image

38th week pregnancy ultrasound

38 weeks pregnant 3d ultrasound

38 weeks pregnant  funny ultrasound

38 weeks pregnant babies hand

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