36 Weeks Pregnant and Ultrasound
36th week of the Pregnancy – Baby size and weight
Baby on the 36th week of pregnancy:
In the 36 weeks pregnant, the size of the baby is about 47 cm and the weight is 2600 grams. Folding occurs in the knees, elbows, necks and wrists of the baby due to fat accumulation. Baby’s palate becomes hard. As the baby develops at week 36, the babies born from this moment usually live without needing intensive care and often continue to live without any problems like babies born on time. Baby’s immune system is quite developed. The digestive tract has developed, but not enough to digest solid foods.
Mother on the 36th week of pregnancy:
During the 36th week of pregnancy, the mother may feel relief in her breathing and eating, which is due to the decrease in the uterine height due to the baby’s head falling into the pelvis (pelvic bone) this week. When the uterus goes down with the baby, the pressure on the stomach and chest is reduced and pregnant is comfortable to breathe and eat. The baby’s descent is not the opening of the cervix and progress in the birth canal, the baby does not enter the birth canal just sit in the pelvic bone, the cervix is still closed.
Milk coming from the breasts may become more common these weeks. Cracks can occur at the tips of the nipples.
In these weeks, the mothers are very curious whose babies in head down position says, “Will the baby return the normal position again?” In fact, baby’s turn may be possible every day until the day of birth, but as the baby grows, it becomes more difficult to make a turn because the space inside the womb has decreased, so the possibility of turning is further reduced every week. In general, it is unlikely that the baby will return after 35-36 weeks, but it is still possible.
36 weeks pregnant ultrasound (scan) and image