26 Weeks Pregnant and Ultrasound
26th weeks of the Pregnancy – Baby size and weight
Baby on the 26th weeks of pregnancy:
In the 26 weeks pregnant, the size of the baby is about 35 cm and the weight is 760 grams. At week 26, air sacs called alveolus begin to develop in the lungs. In the lungs, the substance called surfactan starts to be secreted. Surfactan covers the alveolar mucosa in the lungs and helps in breathing. These developments are very beneficial for early-born babies to be able to breathe in these weeks. The oil and sweat glands in the baby’s skin are activated. Fingernails, eyebrows and eyelashes continue to lengthen. The baby can hear the surrounding sounds and your voice, responding by moving the sudden sounds. If there is a lot of light outside, a little of it may pass into the uterus and the baby may notice it. The baby realizes that the outside is light or dark. The baby’s skin is still very thin and the blood vessels in the skin is visible.
Baby’s eyelids are fully opened this week and their vision is partially improved. It is possible for the baby to move around or the heartbeat changes by hearing some voices around.
Mother on the 26th weeks of pregnancy:
Around the twenty-sixth week of pregnancy, maternal baby movements are frequent and severe, and these movements usually begin to diminish in the last months of pregnancy. It is important to follow the baby movements after these months, move 10 times during the day and average, you can get detailed information by clicking counting baby movements.
Mom may feel sweating, hot flashes from time to time in these months. Wearing fine clothes, drinking cold drinks can provide relaxetion during these periods.
In this period, parents often research for various items and clothes related to the baby room. Care must be taken to keep the quality standards label of every product related to the baby, products containing harmful chemical substances should not be bought. Last one thing, keep walking and drinking water pregnants 🙂
26 weeks pregnant ultrasound (scan) and image