17 Weeks Pregnant and Ultrasound
17th week of the Pregnancy – Baby size and weight
Baby on the 17th week of pregnancy:
During the 17th week of pregnancy, the size of the baby is about 13 cm and the weight is 150 grams.
From the seventeenth week, the fat deposition in the subcutaneous area of the baby increases and the baby starts to gain weight faster. This fat deposition is important for the temperature regulation of the baby. The baby can reflexes such as swallowing, opening and closing eyes, and sucking. Loud voices from outside can cause the baby to move. Baby’s eyebrows and eyelashes start to grow.
Mother on the 17th week of pregnancy:
During the seventeenth week of pregnancy, the mother usually feels the baby like bubble movements or butterfly flapping. The period of feeling these movements is when the interaction between mother and baby begins to strengthen. Although she knows that she is a baby in her mother’s womb till this turn, she sees it on the ultrasonic device, but feeling the direct action from her starts to create a different feeling and bond. Since the baby movements are just beginning, the number or frequency does not matter yet, you do not have to count, the movements are rarely felt in this period.
Now the mother is not sluggish and exhausted in this period, the mother starts to feel more energetic. During these weeks, when you talk to your doctor, it will be good to get detailed information about the detailed ultrasound (anomaly scan) to be done soon and make an appointment if necessary.And last one thing pregnant women; a detailed ultrasound examination is usually performed in about 20 weeks.
17 weeks pregnant ultrasound (scan) and image