15 Weeks Pregnant – Week by Week

15 Week Pregnancy and Ultrasound 
15th week of the Pregnancy – Baby size and weight

Baby on the 15th week of pregnancy:

During the 15th week of pregnancy, the size of the baby is about 10 cm and the weight is 70 grams.
On the fifteenth gestation week, thin fluffy fur called lanugo begins to form on the baby’s skin and continues to develop until the 26th week. The thin fur called Lanugo can be seen in the faces and ears of some newborn babies. The baby starts sucking her finger in these weeks. Your baby’s bones start getting stronger. The baby’s skin is still very skinny. The taste buds of baby’s tongue have developed. The various tastes in the food that the mother eats can pass to the amnion liquid in the womb and the baby can take these tastes at least. Baby’s eyelids are tightly closed during these weeks and will remain closed until the last 3 months of pregnancy, but the baby may perceive the light at 15 weeks. For example, if pregnant’s belly exposed to a violent light, the baby will perceive it and start moving. The baby starts to hear the mother’s voice.

Mother on the 15th weeks of  pregnancy:

One of the 15 week pregnancy symptoms is a brown line extending vertically downward from the navel of the mother appears in some pregnancies, called a linea nigra for which you do not have to worry because it fades and disappears after birth. The brown darkening of the nipples also return to their original shape after birth. After this week, weaker mommies’ bellies can start to become evident in tight clothes, but it can take up to 20 weeks for those who are overweight. After the pregnant’s belly becomes clear, it is necessary to pass the lower band of the seat belt through the underside of the seat belt rather than over the belly, and the upper band must pass through the breast from the top of the belly, that is to say the seat belt should be connected that it does not pressure to the belly. After these months, the pregnant women have to arrange their lying position or seat belts etc. so that they do not put pressure on the belly. Welter can make pressure on the belly. It is advisable to sleep on the left side or
back in the coming months. Depending on the healthcare system of your region, you may need to notify your family doctor and midwife that you are pregnant and provide the necessary information to your pregnancy. You should absolutely refer to your family physician for follow-up pregnancy and pregnancy vaccinations. Soon for triple and quad test time for the future (between 16 and 20 weeks) you need to get information from your doctor and investigate this. These tests are done to investigate the presence of Down syndrome and some similar chromosomal abnormalities in the baby, called intelligence test among the population.

15 weeks pregnant ultrasound (scan) and image

3d ultrasound 15 weeks pregnant

15 weeks pregnant baby’s hand

15 weeks pregnant ultrasound

twins at 15 weeks pregnant ultrasound

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