It is a section starting from the lower end of the vagina to help the baby get out more easily during normal birth and to prevent the perineal region from tearing. It can be done on median or sideways (mediolateral). It does not apply at every birth, it only applies if it is necessary. Even during first birth, it does not have to be applied all the time. Once the placenta is separated at birth, the episiotomy is repaired with suture. When incisioning and suturing, mother don’t deel any pain because this area is numbed by local anesthesia. Episiotomy sutures heal within 7 – 10 days. It is not necessary to take stitches, spontaneous melt surgical silk suture are used. In some women may leave fewer scars on others, which is usually not a problem.
According to a spontaneous rupture during delivery, episiotomy is the most important advantage of having fewer complications and easier to repair.
In rare cases, an infection may occur in the episiotomy area. Apart from this, bruises, swelling, bleeding can be seen. The most common complaint is pain. Pain can be controlled with painkiller . Cold application to the episiotomy area may be beneficial for episiotomy healing.
When episiotomy applies in vaginal birth?
Episiotomy is applied when the head of the baby is close to the exit from the vagina, when the head is firmly rested on the perineum. In other words, it is applied just before your baby’s head goes out of her vagina. Early application leads to unnecessary blood loss during birth. Happy pregnancy 😉