Female Reproductive System – Organs and Functions

The human body is made up of cells. Cells bring tissues, tissue organs, organs systems and systems to the body. The most prominent difference between female and male anatomies is in reproductive systems.
The female reproductive system is examined under two headings as external and internal genital organs.
Vulva: The external female genital organ is called the vulva.
 The part that consists of hairy and fat tissue on the top of Vulvan is called mons pubis. These bristles end after a few centimeters toward the abdomen. It is suggested that although the function of the hair is not fully known, it is a sexual function and prevents the rapid dispersion of a unique smell for women.

Labium Majus (Large lips): A pair of longitudinal skin folds on the midline. At the front, both L.Majus unite at the back and extend as far as the anus. The skin is covered with an outer covering, it contains plenty of oil and sweat glands. There is no hair on the inside face.

Labium Minus (Small Lips): Two small pieces of tissue that surround the vaginal opening between Labium Majus. It does not contain hair and fat tissue. Abundant amounts of nerves and blood vessels.

Clitoris: An erectile tissue that is the counterpart of the penis in the forehead. The external part called glans clitoris. Inside, the mons extend to the interior of the pub.

Urethral orifice: The last point of the urethra, which is the opening way of the bladder to the outside. Urine is thrown out of here.

Vagina: A tubular tissue that connects the inner and outer parts of the female reproductive system. The front and rear walls are normally in contact with each other. Some authors are defined as the internal genital organ. The length is about 9 cm. Last
It is a flexible tissue.

Hymen: A thin membrane shaped tissue at the entrance of the vagina. It has a middle hole and this hole is called the hymenal orifice. Hymen’s job is to protect the vagina and inner genital organs against external microorganisms.

Perine: A tissue consisting of muscle and connective tissue that covers the pelvic cavity.

Anus: It is the opening point of the intestines to the outside world.

The organs that make up the reproductive system inside the pelvis cavity. These are the uterus , tuba uterina (fallopian tubes) and ovaries. Tubes and ovaries are two in each side. The uterus is in the middle and only one. In embryonic life, tubular structures from both sides join the midline and form to the uterus. The disruptions that occur in this union cause conformational disorders such as a separeted uterus in the uterus. These are generally called the Mullerian Fusion anomaly.
Uterus: A pear-shaped organ that is located in the pelvic cavity and is made up of outer smooth muscle cells that carry baby up to the time of birth, and inside is covered with a membrane layer called endometrium. The normal anatomy may be forward or backward. Fundus, Corpus, Isthmus and cervix are examined in 4 sections. The uterus is held in place by ligaments. These are classified as holding and releasing bonds. Inside of the uterus is empty.  When pregnancy occurs, baby settle and grow up here.
Cervix: The uterus is the extreme part of the vagina, which provides the contact with the outside. It is a visible structure during gynecological examination. Being open to the outside, it is highly vulnerable to infections and injuries. The cells from here are examined during the smear test. A channel connects the cervix to the endometrial cavity through the middle of the cervix. This channel is called the endocervical channel.
The junction of the cervix and the corpus is called isthmus. The main structure of the uterus is the corpus. The fundus is the part of the uterus that forms the highest peak in the abdominal cavity.
The uterus is at the front  of the bladder and back the rectum is adjacent to the rectum (the last part of the intestines).
Tuba Uterina (Fallopian tubes): A pair of ducts that allow the passage of sperm and egg cells, about 10 cm in length, extending between the ovaries and the uterus.
Intramural: Tubes are part of the uterus embedded in the muscle layer. It is 1.5-2 cm long. The diameter is approximately 4 millimeters.
Isthmus : It is the area extending from the intramural part to the sides. It is 2-3 cm in length, 1-2 mm in thickness.
Ampulla: The widest part of the tubes, 5 centimeters long and 1 centimeter thick. The sperm encounter with the egg and the fertilization take place here. 90% of ectopic pregnancies settle in this part
Infundibulum: The tip of the funnel of the tubes.
Fimbria: It is the extreme part of the tubes. It is in the form of a tuft. Eggs ejected from the ovaries perform the task of capturing the cells in sweeping motion.
Ovary: A pair of organs in the hard structure on both sides of the uterus and pearl color. The length is about 3.5 centimeters, the width is about 2.5 centimeters and the thickness is about 1 centimeter. They are tied to the abdomen wall and the womb with ligaments. Their mission is to produce female hormones and develop and release egg cells. It’s against the testicles in men.

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