The pregnancy period is perhaps the most difficult, perhaps the most complicated, period of a woman’s life. In this process, the mother should take good care of her so that she can bring her baby to the world in the healthiest possible way. It is very important that the mother is eating, drinking, preference for clothes, exercise facilities, sleeping, resting, relationships with friends and partners. It is necessary to make a specific arrangement and implementation plan for pregnancy in all life habits. Because in normal life many things that are good for the health of a woman, life can be harmful or prohibited in pregnancy, or vice versa. It should not be forgotten; pregnancy is not a disease process, but it is a very sensitive period. A period in which all habits affect the development of the baby. In this context that it is important to find answers to questions such as herbal teas, beneficial ones, harmful ones, and how much to drink.
Is it harmful to drink herbal teas during pregnancy?
It is worth pointing out from the outset that drinking of herbal tea during pregnancy is not generally recommended. Herbal teas are very powerful because they can directly affect the body’s digestive, nervous and immune systems. Because of this, the herbal teas, which are likely to harmful affect the baby and the mothers, should never be consumed, and those who are safe should not pass 2 cups a day. However, it is not possible to use drugs in pregnancy in order to prevent any kind of disease or treating the disease. For this reason, it is possible to drink of some useful herbal teas in nervous, digestive and immune system problems. During pregnancy, for example, ginger, linden, rosehip and thyme tea can be drink for viral infection (flu) at the doctor’s control. In this way, the immune system of the mother candidate will be much stronger.
Which herbal teas are safe in pregnancy?
In order to reduce the adverse effects of changing hormone levels during pregnancy; fennel, mint, ginger, linden, lemon, chamomile, rosehip, black tea, apple, orange, citrus fruit tea and green tea can be drink. These herbal teas can solve problems such as nausea, vomiting, malaise, constipation which are problems of the pregnancy period and can sometimes relax the nerves that are stressed. As long as the amount of these teas does not exceed 2 cups a day. In addition, fennel, nettle and chamomile tea during the breastfeeding period is also known to increase the consumption of breast milk can be drink in pregnancy.
However, there are opinions that green tea restricts the absorption of folic acid during pregnancy and contains high amounts of caffeine. In this way, it is benefical to avoid green tea at all or drink up to 1 cup per day, or to consume it in consultation with the doctor.
In addition to consuming some herbal preparations may also be effective in preventing pregnancy problems. These are;
Apple and apple bark compost prevents nausea, vomiting and stomach burn.
Melissa tea; relaxes and softens the nerves stretched by the changing hormonal balance, making it easier and more comfortable for mothers who have difficulty falling asleep.
Acerola cherry; It strengthens the mother’s immune system with high vitamin C content in the contents, especially reduces the risk of getting viral diseases and miscarriage, strengthens the uterine muscles and helps to make birth easier.
Which herbal teas are harmful during pregnancy?
At the beginning of the teas, which should never be drunk during pregnancy, sage. In addition to this, it is also harmful to use a mixture of cinnamon, basil, raspberry, flaxseed, anise, hibiscus, mulberry root, lavender, blueberry, balm leaf, cat grass, carnation, yellow crocus, enamel flower, powder cane, canary, mistletoe, cinnamon, , maple, cumin, jasmine, angelic grass, herbaceous herb, rosemary, aloe vera, dandelion, yarrow during pregnancy. It is known that these herbal teas increase the frequency and severity of uterine contractions and can cause premature birth or bleeding risk. The awareness of the effect of triggering the uterine contractions of the raspberry tea especially depends on many years ago. From this point of view, some doctors use raspberry tea to start the labor. Apart from these, parsley-containing drinks such as parsley tea should never be consumed during pregnancy and must be eaten controlled. These herbal teas, which are harmful during pregnancy, should never be drunk, especially in the first and last period of pregnancy.
Suggestions for those who will drink herbal tea in pregnancy?
-Pregnancy is a very sensitive process, because of this first of all consult with your doctor; everything you have eaten, your exercises, your sleeping patterns, the care products you have used etc.
-I also suggest you get advice from your doctor about herbal teas in pregnancy. In this context, it would be best not to drink harmful herbal teas and not to drink more than 2 cups a day safe ones.
-One last thing, don’t buy your herbal teas in the market, it will be more accurate to take the herbals one by one in herbalist. Because it is not always possible to be sure of the content of mixed herbal teas sold in packets.