Post-term Pregnancy – Prolonged Pregnancies

Postterm Pregnancy , Prolonged Pregnancy , Day passed Pregnancy , Postterm Delivery , Post-mature Pregnancy, Surmaturation …

These are all pregnancies names that are over 42 weeks. This limit is considered as 41 weeks in some countries. Approximately 5% occurs of all pregnancies . The average gestational age is 280 days, or 40 weeks, from the first day of the last menstrual period in pregnant women.

It is also very important to examine old ultrasonic measurements (especially first usg) as much as the last menstrual period to say post-term pregnancy.

  Postterm pregnancy is more frequent in whom?
– Those who are prolonged pregnancy in their previous pregnancy
– If there is a post-term story in pregnant’s mother or sister
First pregnancy (nulliparity)
– Maternal obesity
– Fetus anencephaly
– Fetus adrenal hypoplasia
– X-linked placental sulfatase deficiency (male fetus only)

Risks of Post-mature Pregnancy:
Defect of circulation in the placenta may result in fetal distress because of inadequate transport of oxygen and nutrients. For this reason, baby movements should be carefully monitored as a health indicator, especially in prolonged pregnancies. The increase in oxygen deficiency causes the first feces of fetus called meconium. This first feces made into amniotic fluid before the baby is born can go down to the baby’s lungs during delivery or even in the mother’s womb. This condition called meconium aspiration can cause serious problems in the baby. Also, some of the babies can be big babies in post-term pregnancies. Your baby may have decreased hydration (oligohydramnios), which increases certain risks, such as cord compression.

Postmaturity syndrome:
Postmaturity syndrome is seen in approximately one of third infants who are in prolonged pregnancy. It is usually characterized by wrinkled, dry and cracked skin, long nails, long hair, hypotonia, yellow-brown skin dyed with meconium, resulting in loss of sub-skin fat deposits. The baby has an elongated body structure, eyes that look worried.

Prolonged Pregnancy Treatment:
Pregnancy should be monitored with close follow-up until 42 weeks (this can be taken as 41 weeks in some hospitals). After 40 week have a NST every 2-3 days and mother must follow up the baby movements are ok or not. Ultrasound and other tests can be added if necessary. If there are no problems, births will be induced in 41 or 42 weeks. If there is no obstetric obstacle for normal delivery, try to start the delivery with labor inducation. If there is obstacle to normal obstruction (big baby, unsuitable of maternal pelvis etc.), pregnancy is terminated with cesarean section.

Prolonged pregnancy is more common in pregnancies with male infants.
– Lack of placental sulphatase may cause solar and prolonged delivery. (It only occurs in male fetuses.)

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