Best Foods for Nausea and Vomiting in Pregnancy?
It is recommended that the pregnants who have nausea and vomiting should eat complex carbohydrates rather than foods that are rich in protein and fat. One of the reasons why nausea is very severe in the morning is that the stomach is empty in the morning. For this reason, pregnants should eat high fiber foods before sleep. In this way, the severity of the nausea becomes mild because the stomach will not be empty in the morning. Increasing the number of eating during the day to six, a small amount but frequent eating will reduce complaints. When you feel nausea, eating salty foods such as crackers helps to ends the nausea.
Best Foods to Eat When You’re Nauseous in Pregnancy
Sprig of Mint
Who is at Risk?
The risk of nausea and vomiting is more severe in mothers expecting twins or more babies. Women who used contraceptives prior to pregnancy and who experienced nausea when used are likely to experience these problems during pregnancy. The cause of these nausea is sensitivity to estrogen. Women with similar complaints in their close relative are more likely to experience nausea than other mothers. In addition to these, it is quite normal for those who have a car sickness , migraine disease, those who are pregnant for the first time and those who are pregnant at a young age to have these disorders.