Progesterone is one of the 21 carbon steroid hormones (C21) and the basic substance is cholesterol. It’s a group of sex hormones. It is the most important member of the hormone group called Progestagen. The main ingredient of progesterone is cholesterol, like other sex hormones. Cholesterol is first converted to progesterone after pregnanolona. Progesterone is also the precursor for most other steroid hormones. It is synthesized from ovary, adrenal gland and placenta in pregnancy.
It was originally described by Willard Myron Allen and George Washington Corner in 1933 in the United States and is derived from the name pro-gestational-steroid-ketone = proge-ster-one
The terms progestin and perogestagen should not be confused. Progestin is the name given synthetically produced substances that act like progesterone hormone. Some of the progestins are: Levonorgestrel, neurotindrine, norgestrel, medroxyprogesterone acetate, norgestimate, desogestrel, gestodene, dienogest, drospirenone.
Progesterone in pregnancy Until the 8th week, the ovary is mainly synthesized from the corpus luteum, followed by the luteo-placental shift. Production shifts to placenta ..
The effects of progesterone hormone on female body:
– Reduces the accumulation of glycogen in the vaginal epithelium, so vaginal pH increases, alkaline environment occurs. Progesterone effect forms intermediate cell dominance in the vaginal epithelium (as in gestation).
– Cervical mucus thickens and reduces pH, acidifies. This pregnancy is a complicating effect.
– Endometrium shows antiproliferative effect in gland and stroma.
– Reduce estrogen receptor formation in endometrium.
– Increases tissue development of lobes and alveolar membranes.
– Increase FSH release with positive feedback effect before ovulation (spawning). On the contrary, it has a negative feedback effect on LH.
– Progesterone is a thermogenic hormone and is responsible for the increase in body temperature after ovulation (spawning) in women.
– It causes water and salt to be kept in the body.
– Provides relaxation in straight muscles. Because of this, bile stasis, reflux, constipation develop in pregnancy.
In which situations is the progesterone measurement performed?
– For ovulation detection in infertility treatment: A low progesterone level means no ovulation.
– Ectopic pregnancy diagnosis
In which situations is progesterone medication (progestin) used?
– Threatened abortion during pregnancy
– Habitual abortus
– Preterm action (premature birth) prophylaxis
– Infertility treatment and IVF (in vitro fertilization) treatments
– Menstrual disorder treatment
– PCOS (Polycystic over syndrome)
– Endometrial hyperplasia
– To delaying menstruation.
– Katameniel epilepsy
– Contraceptive pill and 3 month injection
– For emergency contraceptive purposes
– Used in the progesterone challenge test of amenore
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