20 Weeks Pregnant – Week by Week
20 Weeks Pregnant and Ultrasound 20th week of the Pregnancy – Baby size and weight Baby on the 20th week of pregnancy: In the 20 weeks pregnant, […]
20 Weeks Pregnant and Ultrasound 20th week of the Pregnancy – Baby size and weight Baby on the 20th week of pregnancy: In the 20 weeks pregnant, […]
Nineteenth Weeks Pregnant and Ultrasound 19th week of the Pregnancy – Baby size and weight Baby on the 19th week of pregnancy: In the 19 weeks
18 Weeks Pregnant and Ultrasound 18th week of the Pregnancy – Baby size and weight Baby on the 18th week of pregnancy: On the 18th
17 Weeks Pregnant and Ultrasound 17th week of the Pregnancy – Baby size and weight Baby on the 17th week of pregnancy: During the 17th
15 Weeks Pregnant and Ultrasound 16th week of the Pregnancy – Baby size and weight Baby on the 16th week of pregnancy: On the 16th
Postterm Pregnancy , Prolonged Pregnancy , Day passed Pregnancy , Postterm Delivery , Post-mature Pregnancy, Surmaturation … These are all
Normal pregnancy period is 40 weeks from the date of the last menstrual period. Pregnancy due date can be calculated
When does normal birth occur? What date will birth take place? When are you doing on? To calculate birthing date approximately,
Toxoplasmosis; It is an infection of the parasite called “toxoplasma gondii“. Contagion takes place by oral contraption of uncooked raw
What is Placenta? The word placenta is of Latin origin and means plain flat cake. People are also call placenta