What is the best solution for constipation during pregnancy?

You should not see it as an inevitable problem because you are pregnant. You can reduce this problem and you can get healthy habits for both your baby and yourself. Here are 9 methods you can use to avoid constipation in pregnancy:

1- More fruits and vegetables!
Add uncooked vegetables and dried fruits to your daily diet. By preparing unsweetened compote from dried fruits, you can consume both dry fruits that work on the intestines and also you will take liquid with thaht.

2- Be aware about herbal teas!
Do not meet the liquid need of the body with herbal tea! Herbal tea is preferred because it relieves the digestive system, preventing the absorption of vitamins and minerals and causing the intestines to work poorly. If you want to drink herbal tea in pregnancy, however, drink herbal teas such as lime, lemon, mint and apple that are not found in cinnamon and laxative. But before drinking, you should definitely get your doctor’s opinion about herbal teas.

3- Feeding mainly on fibrous foods!
You should be careful to consume fiber-rich foods such as whole grain foods like brown rice and oatmeal. In addition, dry legumes are both a source of protein and fiber, so you have to be careful to consume during pregnancy!

4- Get help from plum!
The red plum is one of the first food for the solution to constipation in pregnancy! You can eat or drink like a plum juice.

5- Drink plenty of water!
You should try to consume plenty of fluids. Drinking 8-10 glasses of water a day is not only good for the constipation during pregnancy, but also important in the skin that begins to stretch, remember!

6- Eat frequently and little !

It is a good eating habit for everyone, frequently with fewer meals, especially among the ways to get avoid of constipation in pregnancy. If you also have constipation problems, chew your food thoroughly, and you must add healthy snack into your diet.

7- Exercise!
Exercising is one of the most effective things you can do to avoid becoming constipated in pregnancy, which will accelerate metabolism. For this reason, you can extend daily walking and increase your physical activities in a way that suits you. If you are concerned about what you should be careful of when doing sports during pregnancy, you should exemnine your doctor before exercise.

8- Feed on probiotic!
Probiotic use is one of the methods used to prevent constipation in pregnancy! By consuming foods such as yoghurt, sourdough bread, miso, sauerkraut, kimchi, tempeh, kombucha and kefir, you can take probiotic bacteria from these foods.

9- Consult your doctor!
We told you in advance that iron medicine could cause constipation. If your doctor recommends you take an iron supplement, and you are constipated, you can try taking iron medicines with plum juice.

If you have been careful about eating habbits and have improved your physical activity, but still suffer from constipation, consult your doctor for constipation treatment in pregnancy. Your doctor may recommend magnesium or some laxatives medicine.


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